Saturday, July 30, 2005


The weekend brings with it a flood of relief. Punctuating a three hour long Friday afternoon tutorial, the feeling of stepping out of the department and walking into two days of absolute freedom is peerless.

Actually the night was beautiful. A getting together of the Kgp-blogworld connection and a smallish high-spirited celebration. Initially we'd plan to meet up at Cheddis for cha and adda. But the inevitable "mod khabi?"-"haan NISCHOI!" routine followed. So DD, two of his friends, Lancelotstake and yours truly ended up in the VSRC flat DD's friend had. The best memory-pic of last night is of the five of us cycle down the road in between TSC and Vikramshila at 2:30 a.m. The wind howled in the trees and the clouded dark sky looked omenous stretching over the huge football and cricket grounds of TSC. And in our happy condition the neon streetlights reflecting off the wet and glistening roads looked very movie-ish. But of late a lot of things have been that way.

Morning here is beautiful too. Looking outside my window i can see a few trees beyond which green fields stretch upto a faraway railway track. And a fine misty drizzle melts the view from here.

Need to get lots of work done. For one, an article for the campus newspaper needs to be worked upon. Notwithstanding the fact that i already feel the weekend slipping away from my grip. But what goes around comes around too!


Anonymous said...

hmm shob kichhui besh beautiful beautiful lagche.. ;)

Sunny said...

hey nice to see ur blog :)

Calvin said...

campus newspaper?! when did this development take place?

jaded said...

i know..never realised 2 day weekends were such relief-giving things, now after 6 days/week college, sheesh its a damn big thing!

and apparently everything seems hunky-dory in your world,huh?!
even with the 24-hrs schedule that you have..!!amazing thing, this love!

jaded said...

what the hell do u mean by HERENOW???????

dude, this is jadedsorena!!!


Acroyali said...

paromita- yesh things are bhery pretty here!

sunny- thanx for dropping by!

s!- its a very new thing, started last sem. very smalll right now, maybe by the time i quit the place we'll have seen it grow. infact we plan to con alumni into giving us a bit of sponsorship. so u betcha be ware!

Acroyali said...

jaded- damn sorry about that mishtake. something went wrong with my blog page, cudnt access it for a while, and in the confusion confuse hoye gelam.

Arindam said...

heh heh. interesting nights. :D

Acroyali said...

mel- yes a typical kgp nite is unique.

Arindam said...

geez - that's one thing i really dislike in you iit chappies. :D your typical nites are quite like most other residential college nights. cummmon!!!

Calvin said...

@ mel - oh no.. not in the least. you need to come over to kgp and experience one before you make such sweeping statements my friend.

Arindam said...

heh heh. okay. i think i'll take one up. iit-m wasn't anything great though... :D

Rimi said...

that was lovely, but my mum, whose reading over my shoulder, says she's not letting me anywhere NEAR your campuses till i promise to lock myself up after seven. :O

Lancelot said...

looking fwd to the next time like that... i will hav to make my post too...thinking of too many things to include...kichhu hoche na...
@rimi:ur mum's clever

Acroyali said...

s!- u speak the wholesome truth!

mel- well u've gotta be here once atleast.

rimi- are all promises are kept? ... :D!

lance- yes, aar ekta hobe. and the next time should be better.

M (tread softly upon) said...

weekends beautiful....nights's beautiful.....mornings's beautiful too :)) Hv fun!

jaded said...

where is your post mate???
been seeing the same thing about 12 times a day for five straught days...consider the state of mind ;)
post something fast.....

Anonymous said...

haha ditto thoughts to the one above, had gotten used to a new blog everyday, and more out of reflex i end up hitting multiple times...

Teleute said...


Gary said...

Yeah, having weekends is really nice. I'm not looking forward to going back to school :(