Friday, August 05, 2005

weekend approaching!

Quitting the village after 3 weeks for home. Kolkata after a long time.

Not exactly looking forward to be back home. For one theres a lot of work that could've been done over the weekend in the village. A lot of leftover stuff from the heavy heavy week. But i guess the change can recharge my batteries. An influx of money into the Monthly Allowance department.

...Later.... from home

My telephone has of late grown two wings and an attitude to boot. It has become extremely unpredictable and has hung up on me at least thrice while I’ve been trying to finish the post.

Saturday: Spent in soaking up Kolkata in all its quirky and endearing ways. Went off to buy some books from College Street. The craziness and bustle inside these small shops is maddening. Thankfully I was at my boisterous best today and so managed to get my books pretty quickly. No place for the meek, this.

The pleasant surprise came when, while sipping coffee, I spotted DD walking along the road in front of the shop I was in. I ran out and shouted for him. Unexpected it was for him too. Sadly we couldn’t sit down for a good bhaat over coffee since both he and I were running low on time. But the incident put a pleasant thought in my head. Realized that I may actually be travelling with some fellow-blogger I know very well over in the blogworld but a stranger in the real one.

Afternoon ended with a massive meal at a griha-prabesh invitation I had to attend close to the JUDE para. Stuffed myself with ilish maach and patha’r mangsho. Am pretty full for two full meals now, and that because my normally in-form digestive system is a little out of sync with three long weeks of disillusionment over mess “food”. I take every opportunity like this to stuff myself up completely cause I’m pretty much a foodie. And as a pretty-much foodie you’re supposed consider meals like these to be the last ones you’ll ever have.
Most amazingly I found the weather to be absolutely fab today. A journey to and from College Street is always made uncomfortable with the sweat and grime and the shirt-sticking-to-your-skin feeling. The sweat being absent made all the difference today. Actually I love being back in the city more.


Gee said...

home coming? n joy!

Rimi said...

forgive my curiosity, but i have to ask:
"...realizations of how screwed you can get if you listen to your heart and trash the electric pulses from your brain..."

why? and how? anyway, have a nice relaxed time at home. aar ghumiyo raatri bela;D

congratulations on the nicotene riduction. smokers are losers! *tongue out*

jaded said...

1760 is your phone bill for 3 weeks??u sure werent joking when you said u guys talk endlessly ;)
have fun in good old cal..

Anonymous said...

1760!!! mama mia, love really bites...and yaa u never told if ur falsetto is comin or wat.....

Dipanjan Das said...

arektu regular ho re. ami bakkhali theke fire dekhi ektai notun post.

Dreamcatcher said...

yes i understand completely about skyhigh phone bills.
sometimes it just cant be helped.
try sticking to good old YM and emails for a while.

Acroyali said...

herenow- thnx :D!

rimi- that i will ans u over msngr :D! ghum aami tyag kore diyechi..:)

jaded- thats only my bill, multiply by 2 and add atleast another 10% to it for both our expenses!!

koch- yes it does, but it doesnt hurt much. and the falsetto experiment has screwed up my voice for good, Shiver's damn difficult!

dd- cheshta korbo, hw was bakkhali? and hows everything else ;)?

dreamcatcher- talking got no substitute.

Rimi said...

you're so THERE with the best bud on the net, stranger otherwise thing! as soon as i read the "went street", i thought "did he meet dd?", 'cause dd told me over ym that he was going to college street. and i've never even met the two of you!

jaded said...

mess food must suck big time!!!
and did you say your digestive system was a bit out of sync??!!!!
word of caution to everyone:
do NOT ever call acroyali to food gatherings if you havent bought the whole of the vegetable market...

btw today's weather was amazing, cool and soft..lovely

Dreamcatcher said...

Is hostel food so pathetic that you need to eat as if there's no tomm?
personally i think its an excellent idea - what if i dont ge to eat tomm?

Calvin said...

umm, non-hostel people have no right to comment about food or anything related to food. all their comments on food will be ignored with immediate effect.

Eastmancolour said...

took my a generous helping of time to actually grasp what a phone-disconnection had in common with blog-writing being interrupted!

err...fed on cable net here u see :D

Acroyali said...

rimi - :D

jaded- aami mangsho-ahari khaddyo roshik!

dreamcatcher- messfood is torture redefined especially for foodies like yours truly.

s!- he he...waise hwz the food when it comes to the land of the free??

eastmancolour- well at home i operate from a modest dial-up which has always served me well most of the times.and thanx for dropping by!

Calvin said...

the variety is mindboggling.. besides, you can always cook for yourself! :-)

Gee said...

achha boss phone kore aar onyo kichur jonnyo somoye hochhe na/

Rimi said...

yes, i must complain too. post koi?

Dipanjan Das said...

kothay re tui?

Teleute said...

ore! tui ki morechhis?

Gee said...

amaro aki proshno.. cheele gelo kothhaye?

Arindam said...

back in the village? :D

Teleute said...

@ acroyali - alert!

blogger has said that if a blog hasn't been updated for 10 days, it will be deleted. so you better post!


jaded said...

oh god, sobai bolche tao post korcho na keno????ato arrogance??!!

post something soon...

Rimi said...

damn u acroyali! eto busy tui hotei paarish na!