great link! shall download soon, but the mike's probably going to be out for me... and boss, very nice posts and everything, but original kichhu post korleo to hoy? onner kobita and onner develope kora software diye kotodin kaaj chalabe?
@s! it pireces through the firewall unlike yahoo and others... so can b used in kgp...... more users than skype .. @acroyali saale why such a boring and an unimportant post?
rimi- herenow speaketh the truth. beshi din toh kaaj chalachi na. eto chotey gele ki kore cholbey?
and now that i'm home, i'll definitely get bored enough i think :D!
s!- well i can vouch for the chat engine on Google Talk to be SUPER good. cuz YM, MSN suffer from average timelags of 10 seconds (from a villagers perspective) but Google Talk is what INSTANT messaging is all about.
dd- will have to chk that out. but YM gives a LOT of probs in the village.
herenow- thank you!!
nightridermonk- will come up with the sad boring stories of my life soon!
great link! shall download soon, but the mike's probably going to be out for me...
and boss, very nice posts and everything, but original kichhu post korleo to hoy? onner kobita and onner develope kora software diye kotodin kaaj chalabe?
Googletalk is absolutely no diff from the talk feature on Skype or Yahoo or MSN or AOL..
i really don't get all this hype just cos its a google product!!
havent used it as yet. but yahoo 7 rocks too.
eta to common syndrome-"im too lazy to think"
sobari hoye
@s! it pireces through the firewall unlike yahoo and others... so can b used in kgp...... more users than skype ..
saale why such a boring and an unimportant post?
regarding the million grey cells... can we have a recount please :D
are you being paid to advertise it?
rimi- herenow speaketh the truth. beshi din toh kaaj chalachi na. eto chotey gele ki kore cholbey?
and now that i'm home, i'll definitely get bored enough i think :D!
s!- well i can vouch for the chat engine on Google Talk to be SUPER good. cuz YM, MSN suffer from average timelags of 10 seconds (from a villagers perspective) but Google Talk is what INSTANT messaging is all about.
dd- will have to chk that out. but YM gives a LOT of probs in the village.
herenow- thank you!!
nightridermonk- will come up with the sad boring stories of my life soon!
jaded- i SO wish i was!!! i need ALL the money!
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