Monday, July 04, 2005

On this chilly late-autumn night, dense heavy darkness encloses a totality of primitive chaos; indistinguishable are sky and earth, trees and rocks, needless to say the road; you can only stay transfixed, lean forward, put out both arms to grope, grope in this thick dark night; you hear it in motion, its not the wind in motion but this darkness which is devoid of top bottom left right distance and sequence; you are wholly fused with this chaos, conscious only that you once possessed the outline of a body, but that this outline in your consciousness is rapidly vanishing;

-Soul Mountain, Gao Xingjian

A damn boring book i haven't managed finish yet, but one of my many favourite passages from it. Pretty Floydish in many ways.

Pretty uneventful day except for maybe the surprise phonecall from B. Almost telepathic. Good thing is that we've finally fixed up dinner for Tuesday night and a whole lot of school guys whom i haven't met since 3 years will be there. Wonder what they're going to have to say about my safely preserved long-haired looks. I'm supposed to be the last guy they're expecting to have done this. I was always the shanto shishto lej bishishto manush in the group, i'm worried about disturbing that image of mine too when i go to his place on Tuesday. Its funny how doing small things like growing your hair out long becomes such a big talking point with people.

Was reading about the Live 8 concert, and the opening lines sent me into memory mode.

"It was twenty years ago today,
Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play,
They've been going in and out of style,
But they're guaranteed to raise a smile..."

Reminded me of my first ever cassette. The first one i'd ever bought. Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. But that's besides the point. What's important is that Bono and McCartney sang it at Hyde Park. Anything to do with U2 has me sitting up and notice. For me its one of those dreams worth living for- attending a live U2 concert. I remember listening to With Or Without you for the first time. I played it a million times over and my aunt, whom i was visiting, was ready to throw me out.

I also remember my most cherished moment with that song. It was a family trip to Bakkhali. I had gone to the beach alone. It was totally deserted. White sand beach. The sky was overcast and first from a fine misty drizzle the rain grew stronger. The wind howled in the coconut trees behind me. The horizon above the sea grew hazy and foggy with sheets of rain. I was witnessing a storm in the sea and this song kept playing over and over and over again in my head. I was rooted to that place.

I returned thoroughly drenched. But with an unforgettable memory.


Dipanjan Das said...

floyd's there in live 8 too, arent they? me going to bakkhali in august. how's the place?

Acroyali said...

am not too sure if floyd r playing, don't exactly remember. bakkhali is a great place to go to, lovely beach, absolutely deserted.

Gee said...

been growing your hair eh?
i suupos looks do reflect changes in personality

Acroyali said...

@herenow: don't think so, essentially ur supposd to remain all the same.

Lancelot said...

songs leave their mark dont they?? like moments when u feel the song was written for that and that only....btw y the hurry abt the return to cal??

Calvin said...

yes, Floyd played a short set.. Roger Waters played with the rest of the band for the first time in 24 years.. read more.. keep your eyes peeled on DC++, the set should be on it pretty soon.

its strange how much people attach importance to attitude changes by just looking at supeficial physical changes.. e.g. growing your hair.. :-)

Acroyali said...

@lancelotstake: yeps... and chk ur offliners...

@s!: the ONLY reason y i'd give anything to be in the US, u'd never miss a good concert....

Calvin said...

yeah.. that's true.. though Floyd played in london.. or else a trip to philly might have been on the cards..

one of the major highlights of being in the US for me is the concerts.. definitely! :-)

Teleute said...

ami live8 dekhte parini! vh1 disappeard. n came back while d announcements fr "please wait ur turn at d exits, do not rush... blah blah blah" wer goin at d end of d show. bloody fckd up channel.

Acroyali said...

even i missed the show...:-(

Anonymous said...

-Soul Mountain, Gao Xingjian

I purchased the book because the author won the Nobel Prize. I started to read and progress through it several times but was unsuccessful. Maybe I'm not ready for it, maybe it's not worthy of the Nobel Prize, or maybe it's in the catalog of work the author wrote before they won. All I know is that I will venture through it, possibly, another day.

I did find another author to very good- Jose Saramago, "All the Names" and "Blindness." Quite articulate books. Quite vivid. I can only assume that if you're reading "Soul Mountain," you're more than just a casual reader, or you've been assigned it in a class. Either way, all the best.

--I have no blogger identity at this time, so does this possibly mean I have no real identity? The annals of time will answer that question. Until then...