Back on this page after a LONG time. I've been perfectly fine. Just somehow never got around to post. I've been tagged. For a long time now. Twice over. It’s the 8 things about your lover tag. It’s the chance to make the dream wishlist even Santa would have difficulty in fulfilling. But the enviable justification of being a tag, it should not be wasted.
Infact the list that follows is stuff I randomly came up with. It in no way comes close to listing all that could be wanted in a dream partner. And moreover I guess it holds both ways, i.e. yours truly must needfully fulfill all the following criteria too.
1) Should be someone who'd take my quirks and make me feel comfortable. I should be able to open up to her, not fearing that by doing so she’d use anything against me.
2) Should be someone I can talk crap to all day long, be my crazy loony self and should pretend she's enjoying it all the way.
3) Should understand me: not be affected by my nonchalance, my detachedness... often mistakenly linked to me being an unfeeling person. Should basically realize that at times I am like that and let it be.
4) Shouldn’t necessarily be all like me. Infact, we should compliment each other, enrich each other with our thoughts and takes on life.
5) Should respect me for what I am. Criticize the bad things, appreciate the good. Be proud of me the way I am: sappy, crappy, weird, mad, unfeeling, uncaring... it’s called love baby! And they say it’s blind.
6) Should reciprocate my feelings; make me feel wanted, cared for and special.
7) Must needs be talkative and not be discouraged by my quiet moods.
8) Should not expect me to direct things always. I often believe in taking the backseat. Being laid back and unworried is in my nature.
I guess what i'm trying to say is that, she should accept me the way I am and be proud at that.
Finally done. I refuse to tag anybody else as I don't believe in propagating evil.
I think i will post up in a while. Though knowing myself I wouldn't promise that yet.
1 comment:
Eight points and big ... umm, assets don't figure anywhere? You're either a saint or a hypocrite.
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