Thursday, November 10, 2005


winter is very well on its way. a lot of people would call it pleasant but i find it chillier than my comfort level in the evenings. but all said and done, i still rate this time of the year as amongst the pleasantest times in the village.

on other fronts, ITC visited the campus for Summer Training interviews. one of the first glimpses of life after Kgp materializing for a lot of people. for me it shall be "westward ho!" at all costs.

last weekend witnessed the Nehru Dumb-C team comprising lancelot, S and acroyali come third at one of the most dramatic interhalls. rk getting disqualified owing to direct interaction with the judge in a moment of excitement. sn leading for four rounds and then failing to feature in the top 3 cause they messed up the last round.

football practices are on hold at present. am happy to announce that IIT Roorkee awaits our 15 member football team on the 10/11th of Dec. and yours truly shall be a part of the party. the disconcerting thought though is the temperatures during that time of the year in roorkee. hovering around 7-8 degrees centigrade, they definitely sound most uninviting to me.

end sems are well within view and its time to worry again. and maybe as a consequence maybe not, i shall announce my departure from the blog for quite a while now. but i surely hope to be back in full josh once december begins and i am stuck here with nothing else but inter IIT practices, a whole lotta novels and a treasure trove of movies on the lan.

so till then...

(in a moment of delusion i shall allow myself to believe that you will want me to eat up my words and then i shall assure you that i am one of the most fickle minded creatures)


Anonymous said...

do eat up ur words n post ...inspite of th end sems....or maybe because of them:)

Acroyali said...

anon- :), who be this??

Arindam said...

:). cheers mate, have fun. don't freeze.

Anonymous said...

well i guess u can't bid goodbye just now...dajjas ten page 'dam'ned write up will involve a helluva net surfing...

Dipanjan Das said...

congrats for getting into the inter IIT team. make sure the village team wins :D.

what news on the SA front?

Dreamcatcher said...

Best of luck ;) for the Rourke trip, for end sems and yeah i hope you do eat your words.
Boddo kom blog korish.

Lancelot said...

hmmm... frozen u certainly shall be... will probably make the warmth after tht even better ;D

Acroyali said...

mel- thanks :)

koch- u gotta help me with that. atleast what all u covering about the damned dam!

dd- SA hanging in mid-air. the best way to kill something i guess.

thanx, will give it our best shot.

dc- thanx. and about blogging very infrequently: the last week was probably the leanest period as far as blogging was concerned. i hadn't visited my own page for almost 5 days in a row!

lance- that it will! now cud please pray that things fall into place?

jaded said...

you write to let us know that you wont write?!
cngrts on making it to footie team and enjoy the cold village

desperate housewife said...

sigh...where I stay it gets down to -25C...

Acroyali said...

jaded- thanx. and yes i am that wierd.

docs dope- thanx for dropping by!

professor hijibijbij- whoa! which pole is it :D ? thanx for dropping by!

babelfish said...

The coming of winter is most welcome, *I've already started getting out my lep-kombol* but your departure from blog sphere is most unwelcome...eke to eto kom post korish tarpor bolish break nibi!! oshobhyo chhele, post or I shall spam you with endless comments until you eat your words :D

M (tread softly upon) said...

you have become a stranger to ur own blog....well Dec is almost here :)

Rimi said...

tui ekta idiot! nijer blog ke to ditch koreichhish, amader blog o porish na aajkaal :P *makes a 'shan't talk to you' face*

jaded said...


Anonymous said...

cmon sem er jonno porhcish i know but dont u take a brk?

Teleute said...


Acroyali said...

shall be bak in a few more days...:D

anon- WHO be this?? ain't posting lest u part with anonimity, :)

babelfish said...

few more days bole shei je udhao hole aar to dekha nei!!

jaded said...
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