Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Mumbai revisited

The campus is quiet and depopulated. Walking towards the promenade the only sound that floats with the humid breeze is of the waves lapping up the shore. Breaking and crashing onto the rocks occasionally with a roar. Coconut groves and a green lawns seem to take the edge off all sounds lending the place a certain softness, the cacophonous city is a faded dream.

Dark huge clouds gliding across the massive open sky silhouetted against the fading light of the sun seem like shadows of actors on a massive stage in a grand theatrical production. The crescendo of O Fortuna on my i-pod builds up the scene in front of my eyes and I see dark stormy seas, primal, untouched and untamed. With every beat of the drum the Orcs get closer and will infest the land soon. A certain primitive form of fear grips me entirely.

It's hard not to get caught up in the surreal scene and I'm completely sucked in. I'm far far away from the lame excel sheets of office and the mind games that drive me nuts.

Sitting on the rocks, the big city lights shimmer far in the distance, it seems truly to be the edge of the world. Staring at the lights I can almost hear the bustling noisy city and yet be far away to only hear the sea and the coconut groves converse softly with each other.

Am in Bombay for two months. Discovered the TFIR campus last Sunday and fell in love with the city all over again.

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