Saturday, August 19, 2006

so far away from me

"Here I am again in this mean old town
And you're so far away from me
And where are you when the sun goes down
You're so far away from me "

It's my favourite time of "day" in the village. 2:25 a.m. no sleep in sight, lights out in my room and this gem in Knopflers' peerless voice. It can't get better than this, neither worse...

I guess I'll miss this when I get out of here...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

weekend at home...

A post has been long due. There aren't many reasons for the inactivity though. Nothing like being too busy with work or anything. Have preferred reading blogs for a while now. Infact activity on orkut seemingly increased, but I realise I come nowhere close to standard definitions of heavy orkut usage. My scrapcounts have been eclipsed and overshadowed by people who've been on orkut for fractions of time compared to me. I'm bad at it.

Interestingly a whole lot of school friends were found on the network, so a good lot of time was spent in exchanging notes and catching up with everybody. Communities were formed and old school jokes were relived. Social networking is an interesting thing. The theory of Six Degrees of Separation has solid proof now. Orkut also makes you feel old. People in school have orkut id's nowadays.

Final year feels a lot like retirement. Very few classes, a very peaceful time yet. I do have to begin some serious work on my project. It was a sad affair indeed when I was met with a pretty badly maintained computerised triaxial testing machine, it is to be my companion to see me through my btp. Nobody knows how to work it, so I've been given the manual and a duster to begin with.

Since I have Fridays off, I get an extended weekend everyweek. Fortnightly visits are made to Kolkata and Omkara was seen on Friday. I enjoyed every bit... the acting to put it mildly, was superb. A lot of sleep was caught up with too. Back in college, a little bit of football and a lot of pugloo jokes are being used to keep the self busy. Will hopefully keep posting.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

radio god

The radiogod killed me tonight with this song. Especially the last bit...
(to know who or what the radio god is, go here)

Dear Matthew

I like you a lot
I realize you're in a relationship with someone right now and I
respect that
I would like you to know that if you're ever single in the future
and want to come visit me in California I would be open to spending
time with you
and finding out how old you were when you wrote your first song
Dear Jonathan
I liked you too much
I used to be attracted to boys who would lie to me and think solely
about themselves
and you were plenty self-destructive for my taste at the time
I used to say the more tragic the better the truth is whenever I think
of the early 90's
you face comes up with a vengeance like it was yesterday
Dear Terrance
I love you muchly
you've been nothing but open hearted and emotionally available and
nurturing and consummately there for me I kept drawing you in and
pushing you
I remember how beautiful it was to fall asleep on your couch and cry
in front
of you for the first time
you were the best platform from which to jump beyond myself what was
wrong with
Dear Marcus
You rocked my world
you had a charismatic way about you with the women and
you got me seriously thinking about spirituality and you wouldn't let
me get
away with kicking me own ass
but I would never really feel relaxed and looked out for around you
and that stopped us from going any further than we did
and it's kinda too bad because we could've had much more fun
Dear Lou
We learned so much
I realize we won't be able to talk for some time and I understand that
as I do
the long distance thing was the hardest and we did as well as we could
we were together during a very tumultuous time in our lives
I will always have your back and be curious about you about your
career your

(Unsent- Alanis Morissette)