Wednesday, June 21, 2006

first evers are to be remembered

I bought two books: The Prophet and Norwegian Wood with my first salary.

What did you do with yours?

comments please.


Lancelot said...

ei toh post!!!
i think i went shopping for vegetables!!! i guess this was my first proper salary though i have been paid before!! and then had chocs!!!

M (tread softly upon) said...

I bought gifts for my family (ma, baba, thakuma, kaku, kaki and cousin)and saved the rest!czdzg

Dipanjan Das said...

with the first salary 2 years back, i boozed and took dates for GRE and TOEFL :D.

Himadri said...

Still havent been paid , but I'm hopeful of that ;). And once I get hold of my first salary I'm gonna buy sme gifts for my family, and definitely, one of these (
BTW, coming to Mumbai on 28th. We gotta set up some plans for meeting. Whaddya say , eh?

Gee said...

i did not ever receive a salary so to say , but then i have ben paid before. i bought chocolates, something that lance might like

Gammafunction said...

can scholarship money be considered??:-) i bought isaac asimov's whole foundation series!!

Teleute said...

I bought a pair of Lee jeans. Frivolous, no?

Sunny said...

Hey I bought a book too! Bought 'Its not about the bike' by Lance Armstrong :) followed by a gooooood chocolate shake :D

Arindam said...

Heh heh. I bought ait tickets to and from bombay. :D

still in bombay?

Acroyali said...

everybody- thanks for all the comments. :)

Calvin said...

bought a big-ass flat screen tv, just in time for the World Cup :-)

rainbeau_peep said...

hey, just heard about the bomb blasts on the news right now. tell us you're doing ok!

Acroyali said...

rainbeau- yes,i'm fine. think i got out of the city just in time. was at the airport when the blasts happened. reached home a while back.

babelfish said...

my gmail isn't working, sorry i got logged off midway they're saying error 507 or something when i try sending messages...very very glad you're home and safe, talk to you later hopefully :)

M (tread softly upon) said...

glad you're doing fine. The reality takes a while to sink in. And we can be thankful for having spared our loved ones. Hope everyone back in Bombay is okay too.

Akila said...

ya the first salary feeling!!! Got myself lip balm! and now splurging on gifts for folks..then chanced upon a fabulous book store in myself "of mice and men" and "lord of the flies"!

Happy spending!

Poorna Banerjee said...

According to my family tradition, I bought my dad a new paanjaabi.