Saturday, September 17, 2005


it will be a night with the full moon. silvery waves lashing at our feet. the receding tide. the soft roaring sea filling in the silences in our conversation. the stars would have shied away from the proud moon that night. i'd walk down along the beach. feel the wind in my face. your hair would shame the air that played with it. i'd turn back to look and find you standing. the breeze outlining your profile against a darkened sky.



Rimi said...

yes, it will, won't it? just a tiny bit of waiting...:D
quite the soft romantic at heart, aren't you? the song was lovely, by the way. thanks again.

Acroyali said...

rimi, u are welcome. exams can do the weirdest things to me ;D!

Teleute said...


Sunny said...

nice yaar..

does that too fall under the category of 'fitful' imagination?!

Acroyali said...

teleute- thanx! :D

sunny- yes fitful it is.

tempus fugit- heyy... nice to have you back. wher'd u land the sudden tempo from? and poet? certainly not! lets not trash that already excessively trashed lot of ppl.

Dreamcatcher said...

Beautiful as Teleute said.
waiting to see the Arabian sea i guess ;)

Acroyali said...

dc- thank you!

Acroyali said...

mostly_speechless- thank you :)